What’s What

Much of what Ellen seeks, both in life and in a 2x3 frame, is confirmation of her macro-insignificance. Often blinded by the immediacy of our innate first-person narrative, Ellen can lose sight of how small she is, how little she knows, and ultimately, how little she matters. So, in a constructive disassociation of sorts, she groundingly ventures off with her car and camera. Upon arrival at a location that is more often than not undetermined until it is, Ellen, contently and melodramatically, makes her peace as a blip in time, gracefully drop-kicked into a place of anonymity as glacial carvings and tectonic plates as old as Earth invite her to sit the f!#k down and recognize where and what she is, a speck on a speck in a smudge. However often Ellen is overwhelmed by the difference in scale between herself and the world, however often she feels too absorbent, tiny, and flick-able, which is often, she sleeps relatively comfortably knowing that it's true. Ellen is reminded that this difference in scale is not void, rather a very full, beautifully infinite potential of opportunity, experience, and knowledge.

Check urself b4 u wreck urself.

Ellen also enjoys plein air painting, baking, gardening, the company of animals, dirty chais, sunrises, and a good margherita pizza.
